Cary Fukunaga – Jane Eyre (2011)

Despite there being several adaptations of Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, this one still manages some new angles. The visual imagery brings to life the book as most of us might have imagined. The premise is simple: a plain governess with a cruel childhood charms her employer who seems to be hiding a dark secret.

One of the newness was in the non-linear storytelling – the movie opens with Jane fleeing from her Thornfield residence, and is told in flashbacks as she ruminates about her past. Mia Wasikowska is cast perfectly as the title character of Jane Eyre. Her plain looks with minimal makeup made her look as realistically close to Jane as would be possible. Her chemistry with Michael Fassbender, as Rochester brings out the age and class differences between their characters. A big actress like Judi Dench playing the housekeeper Mrs. Fairfax, sums up the subtle tone of the film. The only downside was Jamie Bell as St. John Rivers, he seemed slightly miscast as he fails to project the image of a pious Christian missionary.

The movie focuses more on the intricacies of the relationship between Jane and Rochester, and the initial scenes of Jane’s painful childhood in the rigid school are merely glossed over. The best aspect was undoubtedly the feast for the eyes by the breathtaking landscapes. 6.5/10

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