Jean-Stéphane Bron – Mon frère se marie (2006)

English Title: My Brother is Getting Married

Language: French

Genre: Comedy


‘Mon frère se marie’ was screened at a Swiss Film Festival to a delightfully packed auditorium. Centered around a dysfunctional, separated family that has to pretend to be together on the ocassion of their adopted son’s wedding, gives plenty of premise for comedy.

Vinh was adopted when he was 7 by a Swiss couple with slightly older daughter and son. 20 years later, his birth mother in Vietnam is coming to attend his wedding and to finally meet the happy family into which her son was adopted. Having carried on a false correspondence with them and concealing the fact that in reality they are not together at all, an entirely different ballgame is in store for them as they have to pretend their way around this situation.

Some generalizations about Asians and Blacks is slightly off putting, however not offensive.

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